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Tag Archives: health

How does urine leakage occur?

Urine leakage or the condition of urine leaking out, being unable to hold it in, and being unable to control it is often in urinary tract diseases, especially in women. It causes annoyance, stress, and anxiety. Some people have to use urine pads or wear

Benefits of soybeans.

During the vegetarian festival, soybeans are a good source of protein that can replace eating meat. And it is also very beneficial to the body. The nutrient that helps build muscle is protein, and soy is a food that is high in protein. It is also a protein that

Pistachios nutritional information.

Pistachios are considered a low-calorie food 28 grams of this nut provides only 156 calories. And also contains many essential nutrients for the body as follows: Protein: This type of bean is quite high in protein. Each 28 grams of pistachios contains 6 grams of protein, which is 20

“Almond Flour” and its good benefits for health

The trend of eating healthy food is becoming very popular nowadays. When all health lovers are looking for healthy food options. Especially starchy foods, almond flour is another option for those who love health. Outstanding in terms of nutrients that are beneficial to the body Hello, the doctor will introduce everyone to

5 behaviors that risk colon cancer

5 behaviors that risk colon cancer. Colon cancer It may not be the first type of cancer. that many people think of Because most people have probably only heard of breast cancer. Cervical cancer Prostate cancer, liver cancer, or lung cancer are more common. But