Recipes for hair treatment with eggs to reduce hair loss, fix oily hair, make hair soft, beautiful, and not frizzy.

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Egg hair treatment recipe That will help reduce hair loss. Girls’ damaged hair Make it beautiful like before I must say that eggs are not the only food that is eaten and benefits the body. But eggs can also be used as a hair treatment. It helps add shine to your hair as well! It can be said that it is another hair food that is quite good.

Fermented type 1, egg whites, 

Is useful in controlling the oiliness of the hair and scalp well.Because egg whites are rich in minerals and proteins, such as potassium, sodium, and niacin, many of the things found in chicken eggs. Hair treatment with egg whites is suitable for people who have problems with oily hair and scalp. Anyone who wants to reduce these problems We recommend that you mask your hair with egg whites and leave it for about 20-30 minutes. Doing this 1-2 times a week will help reduce hair loss and increase the amount of hair back to thickness by almost 60-70% . Just When I read it I felt wow, is that correct.

Fermentation type 2 : egg yolk 

Helps reduce the problem of dry, damaged hair, and split ends. Because egg yolks are a source of various beneficial vitamins and acids. These nutrients have the ability to help add moisture to the hair and scalp. The process of masking your hair with egg yolk is to separate the egg yolk from the egg white and leave it on your hair for about 20-30 minutes. It will make damaged, dry, split ends start to come back strong. The ends of dry and damaged hair became noticeably softer from the first time I applied the hair treatment. Report by โปรโมชั่น ufabet

Method 3 : Whole eggs. 

Suitable for people who don’t have time to separate eggs into 2 parts. We recommend mixing the egg whites and yolks together. It takes about 1-2 minutes to prepare this method, then bring in the eggs. Marinate on the hair for about 15-20 minutes or longer, depending on convenience. But you should do it regularly or at least 1-2 times a week for healthy hair. The hair is soft and has volume and doesn’t break and fall easily.